This was a few days I have to lay in the house because of suffering from German Measles.. To fill my time trying to write a little information on measles disease may be useful for all of you..
Measles (Rubeola/ 9 day Measles/ Campak) is an acute contagious disease and often lead to serious complications. Almost all children under 5 years old in developing countries will be attacked by this disease, whereas in developed countries usually attacks teenagers or adults who are not protected by the vaccine (immunization).
Measles characterized by fever, cough, conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membranes tie eye) and skin rash. This disease is caused by a viral infection Paramyxovirus group.
Symptoms and Transmission of Measles:
Transmission occurs primarily by inhaling through the saliva of fine grains (droplets), sneezing, sparks spit from the mouth and throat of infected people (water borne disease). Outline measles can be divided into three phases:
- The first phase (incubation) lasts approximately 10-12 days. In this phase, patients have started to become infected but not yet looked at him any symptoms. Red patches that are characteristic of measles has not come out.
- In the second phase (prodormal) symptoms are flu-like illnesses, like coughs, colds, and fever. Eyes look reddish and succulent. When see something, eyes will be dazzled (photo phobia). Appears next to the mouth of the white spots that will last 3-4 days. Sometimes patients also had diarrhea. One-two days later, high fever fluctuated, ranging from 38 - 40'C.
- The third phase is marked by the release of red patches on the skin, and high fever. However, indirect patches appear on the entire body, but gradually. Starting from the back of the ears, neck, chest, face, hands and feet. The color is also unique; red with sizes that are not too big but not too small
These red spots in the language of medicine called maculopapuler. Usually the spots filled the whole body in about one week. However, this also depends on the immunity of each patient. If both the body endurance red spots not too spread out and not too crowded. Generally, if the red spot was gone, the fever will come down by itself. No longer the red spots become blackish and scaly (hyperpigmentation), and then fall out or recovered by itself. This period of healing may take up to two weeks.
- When a mild measles, patients simply treated at home. If severe measles or complications should be treated in the hospital.
- Patients need to be treated in a separate place so as not to transmit the disease to others. Especially when there's a baby at home who have not received the immunization.
- Give the patient a balanced intake of nutritious food and sufficient to increase the endurance of his body. The food should be easily digested, because patients infected with measles susceptible another infection, like strep throat, or flu.
- Consultation with your doctor.
- The patient must maintain the cleanliness of the body by bathing regularly.
- Adequate rest.
To reduce fever, is usually given
Acetaminophen or
Ibuprofen. And if there is a bacterial infection, usually given antibiotics.
Measles vaccine is part of the routine immunization of children. Vaccines are usually given in combination with Mumps and German measles (MMR vaccine/ Mumps-Measles-Rubella), injected in the thigh or upper arm muscles. This vaccine is given in stages, the first dose given at age 12-15 months, second dose given at age 4-6 years. Measles would infect only once in a lifetime. When a strong body endurance, a child may not be infected with measles at all.
German Measles
German Measles (Rubella/ 3 day measles/ Campak Jerman) glance it looks similar to ordinary measles.
This disease must be
carefully watched in pregnant women, because it can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta. A woman who is infected with this disease, in the first 16 weeks of pregnancy (especially 8-10 weeks) susceptible to miscarriage, or baby will have congenital rubella syndrome. Once the baby was born, the baby will experience cataract eyes, ears suffered deafness, and even calcification in the brain, so the child can experience growth retardation.
Symtoms began 14-21 days after infection.
- In children, symptoms will appear after 1-5 days, which was marked by malaise, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and back of the head, and sore joints. These early symptoms sometimes did not occur in adolescents and adults. Then came a rash that will disappear in three days. This rash started on the face and neck, then spread rapidly throughout the body. Simultaneously with the appearance of the rash, the skin looks a bit reddish. Red spots appeared on the palate which then spread and become one and extends to the back of the mouth. Almost similar to the symptoms in the ordinary measles.
- In male adolescents or adults other than the above symptoms, can also sometimes experience pain in the testes. Sometimes complications occur middle ear infection or brain inflammation, coughs and colds, diarrhea, fever, body fever and chills, rheumatic pain, rheumatic pain all the bones, severe headache, and poliartritis (small joints were swollen and inflamed), which in turn would make the the patient must lay on the bed for several days.
Treatment and Prevention:
For the treatment and prevention in patients with German Measles, is usually similar to an act performed in patients with ordinary measles. Can be added painkiller to relieve pain in the joints (usually patients with adult) in accordance with doctor's prescription.